O bugarskim princezama na bosanskom dvoru sa posebnim osvrtom na kraljicu Doroteju / Bulgarian Princesses on the Bosnian Court with Special Regard to Queen Doroteja


  • Amer Dardagan American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo / Američki Univerzitet u Bosni i Hercegovini




Mihajlo Šišman, Grgur Stjepanić, unknown Bulgarian Princess, Ludovic I, Tvrtko I, Doroteja, Elizabeth Kotromanić, Trnovo, Vidin, Trstivnica, marital relationships, Stjepan II


This paper describes the marital relationships of Bosnian rulers Stjepan II and Tvrtko I with Bulgarian brides which are at the same time reliable indicators of the existing links between the Bosnian and Bulgarian court. Next, we determine the reasons and motives of marriages and the diplomatic activity that has led to them. We attempt to figure out more about the identity of Bulgarian Princesses with a special emphasis on the life of Doroteja of Vidin started from her status of a Bulgarian Princess to her position as the prisoner and hostage on the Hungarian court and finally to the re-elevation of her noble status when she assumed the position of the first Bosnian Queen (1374-1390).


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How to Cite

Dardagan, A. (2014). O bugarskim princezama na bosanskom dvoru sa posebnim osvrtom na kraljicu Doroteju / Bulgarian Princesses on the Bosnian Court with Special Regard to Queen Doroteja. Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija Umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-Line, (3), 159–168. https://doi.org/10.46352/23036974.2014.159