Čovjek iz sjene: Eugen Sladović pl. Sladoevički / The Man from the Shadows: Eugen Sladović pl. Sladoevički


  • Amila Kasumović University in Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Filozofski fakultet




Eugen Sladović, clerks, Provincial government, state law, Austro-Hungary


The paper attempts to highlight certain segments of clerical life in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian administration, on the example of Eugen Sladović. On the basis of available sources we attempt to reconstruct the daily routines of his office activities, relations with the domestic population, his dedication to writing and the teaching profession. Even though he was not considered a high-ranking official, Sladović stood out from the clerical mass since he gave a significant contribution to the development of the history of state and law in Bosnia and Herzegovina


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How to Cite

Kasumović, A. (2014). Čovjek iz sjene: Eugen Sladović pl. Sladoevički / The Man from the Shadows: Eugen Sladović pl. Sladoevički. Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija Umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-Line, 3, 311–320. https://doi.org/10.46352/23036974.2014.311

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